Author = Kandil, Essam E.
Role of Salicylic Acid and Yeast Extract in Wheat Production Under Saline Soils Conditions

Volume 12, Issue 2, December 2021, Pages 11-18

Gomaa M. A.; Essam E. Kandil; E. G. Galal; A. M. El- Shehata

Response of Some Maize Hybrids to Foliar Application of Silicon Under Soil Affected by Salinity

Volume 12, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 1-8

Gomaa, M. A.; Essam E. Kandil; Aly A. A. El-Banna; D. H. Chelaby

Effect of Planting Dates on the Productivity, Quality and Stemphylium Leaf Blight disease of Some Onion Cultivars Under Nubaria Conditions

Volume 12, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 9-19

Gomaa M. A.; I. A. Yaso; Essam E. Kandil; Ahmed I. A. Heflish; M. S. Abd El- Gawad

Performance of Barley Under Organic Manure, Salinity Remediator and Selenium as Mitigators To Soil Salinity

Volume 12, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 123-133

Gomaa M. A.,; I. A. E. Ibrahim; Essam E. Kandil; Mohamed A. E. Hussain

Evaluation Performance of Some Wheat Varieties Under Drought Conditions

Volume 11, Issue 2, December 2020, Pages 1-9

Gomaa, M. A.,; A. E. Khaled; Essam E. Kandil; Naser A. Abd Ul Mawla

Productivity of Some Onion Varieties Under Different Silicates Forms in Relation to Thrips (Thrips tabaci L.) Infection

Volume 11, Issue 2, December 2020, Pages 11-20

Gomaa, M. A.; Essam E. Kandil; A. S.T. Barakat; Heidy Shehata; A. M. Kordy